
Rabbit R1: How does your camera work?

Everything we know about the R1's "eyes" so far.

Since it came out presentation a little over 2 weeks ago, we have been browsing the entire internet looking for any scrap of news we can find, so that we can share the little knowledge we have about this project that has had so much impact.

And one of the most interesting parts of the Keynote starring the until then unknown Jesse Liu has been in which he has shown how Rabbit's R1, in addition to being able to speak and obviously, listen, will also have the ability to see. As?

Well to start let's go with the specifications. On the website itself rabbit.tech They talk about the camera having a 8MP and 3264×2448 photographic resolution while in the video section, the data they show is 1080p resolution and 24fps, which for the screen size it has is more than enough.

Let's understand how it works. We already mentioned that this device is not designed to take photos or record as a smartphone would, and Lyu has said this on several occasions. He doesn't want a substitute. He wants a companion.

That is why the The main function of this camera is to observe its surroundings., to be able to analyze the data and give us the answer to whatever question we ask. Even so, the apparently good characteristics of its camera are surprising, taking into account that it will not be dedicated to trying to capture the best quality but rather to obtain the greatest amount of data.

Lyu at CES Keynote showing off Rabbit R1 camera

Using the more than enough mentioned Rabbit's LAM (Large Action Model) and through his camera, the R1 will be able to see, interpret and most importantly, act accordingly depending on what we ask it to do.

In the case of the frame I show above, R1 not only knows who the character is—the well-known Rick Astley—but automatically starts playing your most popular song, «Never gonna give you up».

And what else can the Rabbit R1's camera do?

After the laughter with what is probably one of the best-known memes on the internet, it's time to get serious again, and this time we go to the kitchen. How many times a day do you go to the refrigerator to open it and close it again without having taken anything and without knowing why you went there? Well, start doing something useful while you're going...

This time Jesse shows what we can do by bringing the R1 closer to the refrigerator. You just have to ask the device to recommend a dish based on what you are seeing. - if possible low in calories - to be able to cook.

The most striking thing is that even though the question is brief, R1 gives you the idea of a dish, justifies your decision based on what is in the refrigerator and, furthermore, shows on the screen the ingredients and how to make the recipe that has just been offered to you. Without a doubt a real madness.

A little game of chess?: From recognizing to reasoning

A few days ago, they uploaded a video that really left me completely excited, and that is that this camera can no longer only do seemingly "simple" things - with a lot of quotes - but it seems that it can go even further and help us with a field as difficult as chess.

In this video you are asked, after analyzing how the board is, to make an assessment of the options we have as players and Tell us what would be the best next move taking into account our position.

In this video you can see how not only is he able to do it but it also seems that the solution he gives is indeed the best in the case. Really impressive if you ask me…

So from here we will be attentive to everything that has to come from now on regarding the following specifications. I will try to continue reporting every news regarding the Rabbit R1.

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