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Home Artificial intelligence What is Suno AI and how to use AI to create songs...

What is Suno AI and how to use AI to create free songs


Creating music has never been as easy, fast or cheap as SUNO, musical Artificial Intelligence

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Making music is not an easy thing, and I tell you this as a musician - at an amateur level, I have not yet reached the level of "Superstar«—. I have been learning to play different instruments of all kinds for over 20 years, such as guitar, piano or percussion.

And in this maelstrom of artificial intelligences For a couple of years, a new AI appears every day that tries to solve a different problem or area of society. It can be writing text, creating images or even record video.

But we cannot forget what was probably one of the areas in which artificial intelligence performed the worst: music. As in the rest of the disciplines, in just one year it has gone from being almost useless to creating true works of art.

What is SUNO AI

The first thing that stands out is that Suno does not belong to any large company as with the different LLMs or Large Language Models. Not from Google, Meta or OpenAI. We only know that it was founded in 2023.

Its founders are Georg Kucsko, Keenan Freyberg, Martin Camacho and Mikey Shulman, a group of colleagues who worked, among others, for Meta or Tiktok themselves. They ended up founding the company based in Cambridge.

«Suno is building a future where anyone can make good music. Whether you are a shower singer or a chart artist, we break barriers between you and the song you dream of making.
No instrument is needed, just imagination. From your mind to music."

In essence, what Suno allows us is that through a prompt —a few simple instructions that we give to artificial intelligence—- we can create a song in the style we want, including instruments or voices.

We can also give it guidelines so that the song is faster or slower, with a certain aesthetic - darker, happier, melancholic - and even if we are good at writing, we can give it the lyrics we want and it will adapt to it. Isn't it incredible?

Get started with Suno AI

Let's get down to business and talk about how to create a free account with Suno step by step.

1- Enter their website and register

The first thing we have to do is enter and you will see its main screen. Before starting to create music with Suno we need to open an account. It's completely free and it takes less than a minute.

On the left you will see the button «CREATE«. When you click, you will see the screen to create an account. Fortunately, if you have a Google, Discord or Microsoft account, it is as simple as logging in with any of them.

In my case we will use Google, so a screen like the one you see below will open. Just put your email and accept the login with the. Your Suno AI account will automatically be operational.

The Suno Music Library

Before starting to create music on the artificial intelligence platform, I recommend that you take a look around the section home, and listen to some of the community's top-rated songs. It's impressive…

This way, you will be able to see the Trending, lists of different styles and playlists and community categories. Nothing more than the enormous music library that you have just discovered is worth the walk through the platform.

Additionally, in the same menu on the left you will see an option called Explore which appears in Beta currently. In it you will have a style wheel to discover some as original as Waii Future, Bass Polka either Pop Bossa Nova. It seems to have no end.

Create free music with Suno AI

Let's get to the interesting part. How to create music in Suno since we have looked around the web and created our free account. On this occasion, in the menu on the left we are going to click on the «Create«

Once we click on it, a page like the one I show below should open. Step to detail each of the sections so that there is no doubt and you can start creating your music with artificial intelligence.

The first thing is to activate the latest model available, so make sure that in the box that says v3.5 that option is checked. You can choose other previous models but they have a much shorter song duration and poorer quality.

If you click on Custom Mode A new menu will be displayed in which you can add up to 3000 characters of the song lyrics. Maybe you like writing poetry but don't know about music.. Suno makes everything else happen.

You can also click on Make Random Lyrics so that it is the artificial intelligence itself that creates a letter randomly. However, unless you press the button Instrumental will always create the song with lyrics in English.

If you click on Custom Mode A new menu will be displayed in which you can add up to 3000 characters of the song lyrics. Maybe you like writing poetry but don't know about music.. Suno makes everything else happen.

You can also click on Make Random Lyrics so that it is the artificial intelligence itself that creates a letter randomly. However, unless you press the button Instrumental will always create the song with lyrics in English.

In Style os Music You will have different musical styles in the form of a label to add different formulas and mix types of music that may have nothing to do with each other. It's really fun.

In that section is where you can put the prompt and add whether you want a man or a woman to sing, specific instruments, the speed or type of musical environment, etc.

Once ready you just have to click on the «Create" and ready. We just have to wait.

You just have to try and try. Tea I remember that it is completely free, although you may have more options with the Suno paid account.

Suno AI Payment Account

With the free account we have 50 daily credits to spend, which gives us about 10 songs a day. More than enough depending on the project you have in mind and for testing, although it may be insufficient.

For 8$ per month —as long as it is paid annually— we can enjoy 500 songs monthly, which will also have a commercial license to use them in your projects without any problem.

If this option falls short, you can for 24$ per month create up to 2000 songs with the Premier Plan, which includes the same as the Pro but also many more songs to create.

For me, as a musician, it has been a great discovery, and far from feeling threatened by this artificial intelligence, I believe that it will serve as support so that many new authors will benefit and be encouraged to take the next step.



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