
First news about the Rabbit r1 Teach Mode arrives

It seems that the star feature of the orange gadget, the Teach Mode is one step closer

It's been almost 9 months since that presentation at CES 2024 where Jesse Lyu, the CEO of Rabbit Inc. showed us a disruptive and innovative device capable of performing tasks at the level of a human. It must be said that hardly any of that has been fulfilled.

But that's okay. Some of us don't just buy the device But we remain hopeful that he will end up doing everything he promised from the beginning., and if possible, if you do it in Spanish, it would be a prize.

But I'm afraid we'll have to wait, and apart from some performance improvements and the add timers and alarms to it which, although requested, are not of much use, today the company has released a rather promising statement.

Teach Mode alpha version released

It's been just a few minutes since I wrote these lines that Simon B. has made an announcement on the community Discord giving some news, including —and unexpectedly— the launch of the alpha of the Rabbit r1 Teach Mode.

I leave you the statement in Spanish in case you want to read it:

Teach Mode alpha program 🥳

Why not start with the most important thing? What everyone has been waiting for. We are absolutely thrilled to announce that Teach Mode alpha program will start soonThis is a private alpha program, and we have hand-selected a small group of community members to participate.

This is a very intense test, in which We ask that you create many different lessons and communicate directly with our team about how everything is going.: what's working well, what's not working so well, what might not be working at all, and we're resolving and addressing anything that comes up immediately.

Once the alpha program is complete, we can start thinking about a broader beta with more people.

Please note that Alpha program participants will be under a non-disclosure agreement (NDA)Any updates you hear throughout the duration of the show will come directly from the Rabbit team.

We may consider adding a few more people over the course of the alpha, But don't call us, we will call you. 😉

What the statement tells us

The message seems pretty clear. First and foremost, According to what they say, it seems that it will be imminent., which is quite exciting since as I mentioned, it has been no less than 9 months of waiting to see the top of what was the most anticipated specification.

Still I want to be cautious. Will it be soon? That's what they say, But you have to think that they are still a small team. and we are talking about what will surely be the most complicated to integrate into the Rabbit r1, so we will see if “soon” or at the beginning of 2025…

A priori, and according to what they say in the statement, there will be a small group of r1 holders who have access to that alpha, who will have the freedom to create different learning routines and report to the developers.

If you don't know what it is Teach Mode I leave you an article in which I explain it in more depth, but in essence the idea is that we are able to train it to perform tasks as we would do, as an Artificial Intelligence Agent.

In the statement they warn us not to ask to be part of the alpha. They will choose the participants through the community —I understand that from the official forum— among the most active users. It is understandable.

These participants, as stated in the statement, will be under a confidentiality agreement, so there will be little chance of leaks, since they will be trusted users.

I'm afraid we'll have to wait a few months for the beta to open and we can try out for ourselves the benefits of the Teach Mode we've been waiting for so long.

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