
Do you want to buy the Rabbit r1 in Mexico, Argentina, Colombia or anywhere in LATAM? Maybe you can do it

The Rabbit r1 is shipped to different countries around the world, both in America and Europe. Although there is variety and includes countries such as United States, Spain, Canada and Italy There are many countries that have been left off the radar.

In it Rabbit r1 Discord There is a section exclusively to request new destinations where you can buy the Rabbit r1 and there are many like Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Honduras, El Salvador, Venezuela, Ecuador, Puerto Rico or Peru among others.

But if you want to be able buy your Rabbit r1 and you are from one of those countries, you are in luck, since there are ways to have it if your country is not included among those available to send the device, at least for now. Use a Courier or international shipments.

Shipping from the United States to Latin America

Thanks to a user of Rabbit r1 official Telegram group in Spanish who lives in Colombia, I have managed to find out that there is a way - which in fact seems to be quite common - to buy in the United States and that it reaches almost any country on the planet, so you can buy the Rabbit r1 even if you are from Honduras, Ecuador or Venezuela.

I am going to provide you with the information that I have been able to compile, but keep in mind that since I am from Spain the shipment will be sent directly to my home and I have not been able to verify that the following options are good or bad, but simply that they exist.


First of all, I want to make it clear that it is advisable that you investigate your specific case well. I recommend that you calculate the costs and tariffs according to your case, since I am completely unrelated to any of the companies which I am going to leave you below. I am not responsible for the results of shipments with the following companies.

How couriers work

A courier It does not stop being a transport company that operates internationally, but which has a headquarters in the United States of America from which it can receive packages and forward them to Latin America.

In the case of the Rabbit r1 the idea would be enter the shipping address of the shipping company or courier to act as an intermediary and once it arrives, they send it to your address paying the fees and the cost of the corresponding shipping.

Think that it may mean an increase in the price, but you would enjoy two advantages over the rest, including me who lives in Spain:

The steps to follow to buy the Rabbit r1 in Latin America

The process is more or less the same in all countries, so despite the warning I have left you, I am going to propose the steps to follow If you want to buy the R1 and you are from a LATAM country and you want to have it as soon as possible:

Courier registration

Buy the r1 on the official website

And that simple. These companies act as intermediaries to be able to send to places where we have no possibility of doing so because there are no agreements or they are looking for a way or companies to manage it.

List of couriers from Latin American countries

I am going to leave you a list with some transportation or courier companies that operate in LATAM and that are dedicated to this type of operations. I insist again that you choose the one that best suits you and that I have not tried any of the list.

Buy the Rabbit r1 in Colombia

ULTRABOX: ultrabox.com

Buy the Rabbit r1 in Mexico

REDPOST: https://www.redpost.com.mx/redpost/inicio.do

Buy the Rabbit r1 in Argentina

AEROBOX: International Courier Service – Aerobox Argentina

Buy the Rabbit r1 in Peru

BBOX: https://bboxcourier.com

Buy the Rabbit r1 in Ecuador

SITIABOX: www.siatibox.com

Buy Rabbit r1 in Honduras

GLOBAL: https://emundiales.com

Buy the Rabbit r1 in El Salvador

TRANSEXPRESS: https://www.transexpress.com.sv

Buy the Rabbit r1 in Chile

CHILEBOX: https://www.chilebox.cl

Buy the Rabbit r1 in Puerto Rico

MYCARGO: https://mycargo.us/pr

Buy the Rabbit r1 in Guatemala

LIBERTYEXPRESS: https://libertyexpress.com

Buy the Rabbit r1 in Uruguay

CASILLAMIA: https://www.casillamia.uy

Buy Rabbit r1 Paraguay

GLOBALBOX: https://globalbox.com.py

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