
Just 4 days before the first shipments to the United States and when the community is already beginning to get impatient for the hype that is generating the Rabbit R1, the company has released a statement answering some of the most frequently asked questions about the Rabbit R1.

I don't want to beat around the bush, so let's get to the point and read what they have to say. I will translate the statement as faithfully as possible. so that it is as close to the words of Jessy and company.

Questions about R1 and the LAM, answered 

We are very close to shipping the first batch of R1 devices from the factory. A lot of work has been done on the product since we first introduced the R1 at CES in January. Our engineering and design teams have been working around the clock making product updates. to add new features, improve latency and overhaul the user interface. We can't wait to see what you have to say when you try it yourself!

The R1 is your ticket to experience the next generation of AI, where you will have a personal assistant available to take care of the actions for you. But it's only the first step. We will continue to work hard to constantly improve the experience over time. This is the beginning of a new journey and we encourage you to grow with us.

We know you still have some questions about what to expect, so we'd like to answer some of them here.

When will the R1 start shipping and when will I receive mine?

We are proud to say that we are on track for the first batch start leaving the factory on March 31, just as we promised. It may still take a few weeks for the first batch of orders to be delivered due to customs and logistics issues. In case you're wondering, there are a few steps in this process for Lot 1 orders:

Based on this process, we anticipate that the first R1 orders will reach US customers starting April 24.

Please note that the steps above are for US orders only and the process may vary for future batches shipped to other countries. Remember to always keep an eye on your order status to get the most up-to-date information on when you will receive your order.. For subsequent batches, stay tuned to our official channels for updates on when those batches will ship.

What can I expect on day 1 after receiving my R1?

The following features will match what we demonstrated in the day 1 presentation:

Basic characteristics:

LAM Powered Features:

As for the travel function, LAM is already capable of operating in the same way that we demonstrated in our keynote. We are working on some final regulatory details and aim to launch on a future OTA as soon as possible. We are also working to provide more LAM capabilities with the most popular applications that will be enabled on the R1 through frequent OTAs. Look at her page r1 on our website for more information on the status of current and future LAM functionalities.

What is LAM and how can I expect it to develop over time?

LAM stands for “Large Action Model”. In a nutshell, The LAM is a model that learns to use any software it runs, takes measurements, and improves over time. You learn by studying how people use online interfaces and then are able to operate those interfaces the same way a human would. Importantly, it also understands natural language input, so you can talk to it like you would a personal assistant. You ask him to do something and he takes care of it for you.

Incorporating a real-time agent, or “Rabbit,” into a new type of AI hardware is not a simple task. While we've been training LAM for a few years now, we're taking a very careful approach to how we present it to the general public. For R1, We will focus on the most used apps first, create a custom UI for each service category, and perform extensive quality testing to make sure they all work well. Our goal is to create a delightful, efficient and intuitive user experience with data privacy and security at the center of everything we do.

The LAM capabilities listed above are just the first step in what will be an ever-evolving and rapidly improving experience. As the saying goes, This is the worst this technology will ever be.Over time, LAM will offer many new features and greatly improved latency, which means you'll be able to accomplish a lot more in a lot less time. We'll keep you updated on our roadmap as we continue to support more apps.

What is the teaching mode and when will we see it?

The teaching mode is an experimental capacity that allows you to train your own “Rabbits” to perform specific tasks in specific applications and workflows. This will give you the power to create your own custom agents to handle tasks specific to your needs. And it will be easy to use, even if you have no coding or programming experience.

We are taking our time to ensure our platform is mature before launching it publicly later this year. We may invite insiders to try out early versions of Teaching Mode, so if that interests you, stay tuned to our official channels for more information later this year.

How will the updates work? Will I have to download OTA?

The R1 runs “headless” in the cloud, meaning Most computing is offloaded to data centers. We intentionally designed it this way to move as quickly as possible and bring updates and improvements to your R1 as they happen.

So what does that mean for OTAs? Unlike software updates on your smartphone, our OTA version will be easier. Many updates will be done in the cloud, so you won't even see them. In essence, This means that you will wake up one morning and find that your R1 is more capable than when you went to sleep the night before.. Updates that require you to accept them will also be much lighter than a typical smartphone OTA (megabytes instead of gigabytes), and we'll give you a clear message on your R1.

Our product team will test many features and try many new things to make your R1 a useful, reliable and exciting companion for the long term. We will improve things quickly and steadily, so that your experience constantly improves.

How does the Rabbit Hole work?

Rabbit Hole is our portal to help you manage all your connected services for Rabbit OS and will be available from day 1. To connect to services supported by R1, all you need to do is Login to your account at Rabbit Hole. Click the service you want to connect to and sign in with your credentials.

Agents on our platform, which we call “Rabbits,” can view the login process in provider apps. The act of entering your username and password is encrypted and protected, and We do not store that information in our database. However, we maintain an authenticated state of your application in our cloud, stored securely, so that our agents can act on your behalf. You can delete this information at any time. We are also actively working with industry partners, including security auditors, to better protect your data.

What is Rabbit's approach to working with applications?

By connecting to your services through the Rabbit Hole, you are granting access to allow our «rabbits» operate them in your name. With this access, the rabbits They can see everything you see in your applications. They may see private information, but we do not store that information anywhere. A virtual cloud environment is created every time you ask your R1 to do something for you, and that session is ephemeral (aka short and temporary) and is discarded once the task is completed.

The rabbits They also respect consumer applications. Sometimes apps may refuse to provide service by blocking or giving you CAPTCHA. To show our respect for those applications, we do not fix them, but rather inform them accurately to our users.

And a note on performance: the performance of our rabbits in a given application is a direct result of the performance of the applications they are running. Some apps are slow while others are faster. Some are more reliable while others are less so.

How does Rabbit work with LLMs?

We collaborate with Large Language Model (LLM) providers such as Perplexity, Anthropic and OpenAI to use its services to understand user intentions. When a user interacts with Rabbit OS, we route your requests to the most appropriate model capable of meeting your needs, whether it's our internal model or one provided by our partners. User data is stored on our servers. Only conversations and statements processed and initiated by the user, which do not contain any personally identifiable, private or confidential information, are sent to our partners.

Keep in mind that LLMs, The underlying frameworks for understanding intentions are still in their early stages.. They hallucinate, they make mistakes, and they still aren't fast enough. We keep the bar high to provide the best experiences for our users. To this end, we are actively working with our partners to drive user experience and collectively define the capabilities and limits of LLMs.

What else is Rabbit doing to help develop this new industry?

Rabbit is committed to giving back to the community contributing to open research and engineering. At the moment, some of those areas include:

Just as R1 is just our first step in rethinking the AI software and hardware experience, we are also in the early stages of action-focused AI. We hope to do even more to support the development of this industry in the future.

We really appreciate the support we have received over the past few months. Although we are a very small startup with far fewer resources than other giant tech companies, we are still dedicated to providing a solid experience with your R1 from day 1.

This is just the beginning.

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