
2 days before they leave the factory on the way to the customer's home, we have the first images of the almost finished Rabbit r1

There is practically nothing left. The day after tomorrow the first units will leave the assembly site and go directly to the the lucky customers who first ordered their r1 in the first waves and secondly those living in the United States and Canada.

Today, the team Rabbit Inc has uploaded to their Discord images of the Rabbit r1 leaving the assembly line, as well as some of the photos of what seems to be the packaging that has been talked about so much from the beginning.

Jesse Lyu had already said on his social networks I wanted the box in which the Rabbit R1 came to be special and fulfill two fundamental aspects. The first, that it had an appearance "retro" and the second, that it was functional.

The Rabbit r1 box, functional and retro

Do you remember the tapes cassette? If you're under 30, it probably doesn't even sound familiar to you, but to give you an idea, At the beginning of the mobile era, they served as a support for them, leaving the terminal in a vertical position..

Well, the idea of the creator of the Rabbit r1 was always something similar. The box had to be beautiful, but above all, functional. It should be used to transport the gadget and also to be able to place it on top as a support.

"Plus the LAM, plus the travel box plus the 2-in-1 stand. Don't forget"

That is why it seems that although the comment is a bit of a joke, it will deliver and in the end it will be a nice support that must be used to transport it in some way. At the moment the only close image would be this one.

As we can see, the Rabbit r1 box is made entirely of cardboard, with the logo r1 on one of the sides and our friend the bunny present, both the face and the upper part in which he shows his ears.

Photos of the interior of the Rabbit r1

A few days ago some photographs came to light that showed the ins and outs of the Rabbit r1. These photos were taken during the assembly and testing processes before finishing assembling them for shipping. I leave you some of the most interesting ones.

Above we can see the R1 plate with the logo printed on it. From this perspective nothing particularly remarkable is seen. As for the hardware, we already know that it is simple, since its potential is in the programming part.

A detail of the internal part and what some of the features are—WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS—

This is the most detailed internal image. We can see the battery, the camera module with its movement mechanism and the scroll to move through the menus by going up and down through the wheel. All in just a few centimeters.

And finally the complete assembly. I still think it's an absolutely brilliant design, but it couldn't have been any other way considering that They have worked on it with the best team anyone could imagine: Teenage Engineering.

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