About the RabbitOS controversy and whether it is an Android application

We have been wondering since yesterday: Is RabbitOS an app that could run on Android? Why isn't it an app? If you are a regular follower of the Rabbit r1 Discord or Twitter you will surely have read this question a few dozen times. So much so that it has already become one of the […]
The first shipments of the Rabbit r1 to Europe and the UK begin

The day has finally arrived when they have begun to send the first units of the Rabbit r1 to European territory. Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Holland, Sweden and of course Spain are the only countries in which we will be able to enjoy of the Rabbit r1 in Europe, at least for now, since […]
The first OTA update of the Rabbit r1

What problems does the first Rabbit r1 Update fix? We knew very well that it would not take long for them to release a first update of the Rabbit r1 operating system. What I didn't expect is that it took them just a week to do it since its launch. It seems like they've gotten their act together. And it is not […]
The worst thing about the Rabbit r1. Criticisms in the first reviews

How have the first reviews of the R1 gone? We have already seen the positive. Let's get to the rest A few days have passed since the first units of the Rabbit r1 reached both the first buyers at the Pickup Party in New York and the first reviewers and YouTube channels so that […]
How to buy the Rabbit r1 if you are from Latin America

Do you want to buy the Rabbit r1 in Mexico, Argentina, Colombia or anywhere in LATAM? Maybe you can do it The Rabbit r1 is shipped to different countries around the world, both in America and Europe. Although there is variety and they include countries like the United States, Spain, Canada and Italy, there are many countries […]
The first reviews of the Rabbit r1 highly positive

Just a couple of days have passed since Jesse Lyu did the first unboxing of the Rabbit r1 at the Pickup Party from the TWA hotel in New York in which he showed the past, present and future of the device controlled by artificial intelligence. Let's focus on the last two, present and future. With […]
The first unboxing of the Rabbit r1. Everything they taught us

The day of the first unboxing of the Rabbit r1 has been a long time coming, but as promised, on April 23 was the Rabbit r1 Pickup Party - the collection party - and it included a sample of the current capabilities of the r1 as well of some surprise. Neither more nor less than with […]
Live stream of the Rabbit r1 Pickup Party

The start of the delivery party or Pickup Party of the Rabbit r1 will be at 7:00 p.m. EST—American East Coast—so from Spain we will be able to see it starting at 1:00 a.m., already in the early hours of the morning, so it goes to play late night. As I have learned, it will be broadcast live […]
This is how the Rabbit r1's note recording mode works

One of the strong points of the Rabbit r1 will be the possibility of recording, editing and summarizing the audios that we give it through its microphones. We have just recently seen the PLAUD NOTE, a card-shaped device that allows you to record voice notes or phone calls and later transcribe them […]
The Rabbit r1 Forum is now ready to start sharing

I didn't want to wait any longer and I have finished what I hope will be the most active Rabbit r1 forum in Spanish - which I understand is a very ambitious goal, but I don't give up on it - and in which we can share our doubts that we have with the device. While we wait for […]