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Home Gadgets The new Rabbit r1 update incorporates Memory Recall

The new Rabbit r1 update incorporates Memory Recall


This specification was highly requested by users and we can finally recover past information in the Rabbit r1

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Many were waiting that Memory Recall was a reality, and it really hasn't taken too long. Since the last update of the Rabbit r1, this option is now available, opening up a world of possibilities for creating notes, lists, etc...

How Memory Recall works on the Rabbit r1

As you will remember, every time we make a request to Rabbit r1, it will be stored in the Rabbit Hole, the "cloud" in which we can save all the interactions that we have had over time with the device.

But entering the Rabbit Hole every time we want to consult something in the past is not the most optimal, and even less so having a Gadget with AI with which we can interact through voice. That is why Memory recall was necessary.

This way we can ask you to remind us of a note, appointment or list that we had previously created without having to navigate through its platform or use a search engine.

In this video, user Adam Jones explains how to use it and provides some prompts so that the management of Memory Recall is much more efficient. Let's see some tests of how it works.

Creating a shopping list

In this case, you are creating a shopping list with the idea of editing it, adding items, and remembering it later:

«Create a new note called 'shopping list' and add meat, eggs and mushrooms to the list»

Once created, Rabbit r1 responds that it has created that note. Later he asks again "What's on my shopping list?" to which the r1 responds with the 3 articles that he had placed previously.

Then, and with completely natural language, you tell the device that you forgot to add macaroni and cheese and broccoli to the list. With the option Memory Recall Not only is it able to add them, but when asked about the list it tells us that it is updated and has added what was missing.

Later, he explains that you have to use the correct term to edit the list, and that this keyword is "remove", and that by using this word and referring to the shopping list you are able to edit it and delete the items.

«Delete all the items on my shopping list. I have already purchased them."

Later he asks him again about what he has on his shopping list, to which the Rabbit r1 responds «Give me a moment to remember. Checking the shopping list». This shows that he has gone back to remember the previous thing.

Discord user having problems using Memory Recall Promps

And the answer is what we expect: «Your shopping list is empty. "You've already bought everything.". In this case it seems that Memory Recall works perfectly, but It is important to use the appropriate prompts.

Recovering data from a recording

Another option we found is to record voice notes. In these we can record a meeting, conversation and in general any type of audio we want for several minutes.

In the example of the video, the creator names his dog, and when the recording ends and ask the Rabbit for the name, he is able to get it back along the voice note and give you the answer. This is great for getting data from long conversations.

It seems that he later has problems trying to retrieve more information from the last voice memo he ran, and after several tests he has to change the prompt several times until he finds the correct one. That is why it is so important to know how to communicate with R1.

I hope they continue testing to see the potential of Memory Recall.



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