
What path should Rabbit follow with its R1 after these days?

We have spent several days of leaks, system breaks, attempts to bring RabbitOS to Android —with satisfactory results— AND a few negative reviews regarding the gadget, with some questionable reasons and some that are truly accurate.

That being so, I have reflected on What would be the correct steps to follow by Rabbit Inc? to try to alleviate the last week of chaos that they must have had, in which even the CEO himself wrote about the reasons why it seems they are trying to destroy him mentally.

A complicated scenario has been presented, but for my part, far from defending a dichotomy that seems to only contemplate being for or against, I believe that, although there are many things that have not been done well, the company has room to rectify and come out stronger.

All these reviews are advertising.

I do not agree with 100% with that famous marketing phrase that says something like "let them talk about you even if it's bad"But I think the number of people who have learned about the Rabbit r1 through precisely the reviews has been exceptionally high and better than any advertising campaign has done.

Of course, you have to know how to act, not get carried away by emotions and be aware of the responsibility they have and that several paths of action have been opened, which I will list below. It is now when we have to take control of the situation.

We have to fix what is there

I can ignore the fact that the Rabbit r1 has bugs, is slow and even that there are some of the options that do not work well. I think it's a new concept. -despite what they say out there- and that it needs to be polished and fortunately or unfortunately everything that goes wrong is detected with the massive use of buyers.

What is more complicated Letting it run means that weeks go by without fixing the bugs that are reported in it Discord dedicated to it. They have to focus on ensuring that what reaches the client's hands is as fine as possible.

There will always be adverse circumstances that are inevitable. Mobile phones, computers, televisions and ultimately electronics in general are subject to errors, bugs since they do not go well at a given time, but this case is peculiar.

Artificial Intelligence can be amazing, the servers can be saturated, but some failures such as disconnections from platforms like Spotify—even having to change the password—or not being able to choose an order on Doordash It is essential to eliminate them.

You have to implement what does not exist

In the Pickup Party held on April 23 made clear some of the the options they would implement throughout the year, such as the 800 applications they have trained or some collaborations with other companies.

All of this should be more or less planned for after summer, in the second quarterly review, and that progress is seen in that direction, since what now keeps buyers faith is more than facts.

Continue exploring the LAM

We have to get news about the Large Action Model. It is the flagship, the differentiating factor of the Rabbit compared to other hardware devices. They have to make it count. They have to show progress and give us something.

Buyers want to see it active. See the Action of the word THE M and have something, although not tangible, that makes us excited again about the Rabbit r1 as in the presentation of the CES 2024. We want something more.

Open Teach Mode

It's time to get your act together Teach Mode. As with the LAM, I want to have more data about its operation and see it live, even if they are simple demos and without showing anything compromised, but at least something real.

I know that this is precisely one of the specifications that appear from day one as EXPERIMENTAL So it is not something that has to be immediate, but I insist. ANDThis is what sets the Rabbit R1 apart from any other device..

As long as he showed a demo of how it works inside, how to press the buttons - something similar to what we saw at CES or the video that appears on the web— would help us wait for something more, since it is what many of us look forward to the most.

Launch the forum

For me this is something fundamental. Just 2 months ago they talked about starting a forum for the community and they said it would be throughout that week—and we are talking about the beginning of March—but nothing. No sign of the Rabbit r1 forum.

Discord is fine for many things, but doubts are lost, there is no order, it is impossible to maintain the thread of a conversation and A forum would help a lot to solve all this., especially for those who already have it in their hands.

I take this opportunity to tell you that I have created the Rabbit r1 forum in Spanish so that when we have the first units we can share our doubts in it, so that everything I ask for is materialized in Spanish.

Maintain contact with the community

While I was writing these lines I was reading how Jesse Lyu, CEO of Rabbit, had returned to Discord and Twitter with some responses. If there is something that has maintained the expectation of the device over the months, it has been precisely that. The company's feedback.

What is unacceptable is that things go wrong and you stop attending your community. Not that. And I say no because it's just when you have to listen more carefully, when the people who have trusted you have doubts. Don't make us stop trusting.

Respond humbly to criticism

And this is the last one. Jesse: Be humble! Going out of line at this time is the worst idea. If there are things that are wrong, we go back to point 1 and fix them. If there are things that are missing, we get to point 2 and they are implemented... And so on with everything else I say.


What you should not do is flee forward and respond with acrimony or bad manners. If someone speaks badly to you, you have every right in the world not to respond, but yes.It would be convenient at this moment not to do it in the same ways that they have done it with you..

I wrote this as if someone from Rabbit would read it. —which I highly doubt— but it is still an opinion from someone who is clear about what he has bought, who does not expect more than what there is and has never done so but who trusts that he will not be left in the lurch.

If they want to destroy you, let them try it while you fight.

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